Sabrina’s Journal

Knitting and Crafting through life


Welcome to Sabrina’s Journal, the blog that will share my love of knitting and crafting. Follow me as I share the stories of knitted projects, navigating through the world of knitting and what I do during craft time with my toddlers.

Who I am

I’m a mother of 3 amazing kids, that keep me on my toes most days. Most days you can also find me enjoying endless mugs of green tea. While telling myself that I have it together and I have this parenting gig down.

Cup of Green Tea sit in front of plants

Where you can find me

You can find me either seating at the kitchen table for craft time or outside when the weather is nice. My office these days is either the corner of our sectional or the master bedroom and not far is a mug of green tea getting cold.


Colourful Rows of yarn skiens
  • The story behind what lead me to take up knitting and why I enjoy it so much at my age. Learn about some of my favourites and why they are my go to gifts.
  • Sharing tips and tricks that I have learnt as I figure out the world of knitting.
  • Helping beginners understand the knitting world of information.

Kids Crafts

Wax Crayon
  • Sharing stories what crafts I have done with my 3 toddlers.
  • Favourite Crafts
  • Tips and Tricks